Posted by: Deea | November 2, 2009

Value of 86,400

We have plans and full agendas. We have spontaneity and things that fits our interest…but not our agenda. We have work and projects. We have free time, meeting friends, going to parties, travelling …the list can go on. And for all these activities that we have in our busy agenda, we have to prepare our attendance also, to consider the travelling time  and so on….And we also have to sleep and rest, normally recommended at least 8h/day….

time management

Yes, we have a lot of activities and only 24 h/day, and for that we need time management. We are always bounded by time, and weather we  respect it or not, time is not waiting for no one and it’s not turning back!! There are a lot of resources on time management, a lot of trainings, I am not going to talk more about that here, I will just share the best learning I had related to the value of time:

I hope you got a little bit of inspiration and learning from this video. But as promised, in this blog I am trying to show also a little bit of fun related to this serious topic of time management.

Personally, when I am pressured by a lot of things, I am cutting time from the recommended 8h of sleep/night because I have a high level of energy and I can work just fine for quite some weeks with only a few hours/night. ..but I am not usually a morning person, not even when I have the 8h/night…. My priority is to make the most of my precious time and experiences, no matter if the day it’s starting at 5 am in the morning or at 9 am….My biorhythm is making me more productive in the afternoon or evening then in the morning, so I can easily stay until late in the night..

…and here comes the problem :d….sleeping late and sleeping less means I have high chances of not hearing the alarm and waking up late…and probably I am not the only one!! …so I prepared a poll for you,  please vote your answer!  

Weather you are waking up fast or not, early or late, try to imagine this situation:  you have a very early meeting and it’s hard for you to wake up in the morning…

you do your best, you put all the possible alarm clocks next to you, you get the most innovative wake up services…..


…still, when you will finally wake up, your face will probably look like this 🙂 :

wakeup face

A really heavy sleeper person had the same issues ….. and in this video you can see his solution, that’s what it takes to wake him up in the morning 🙂 :

If you have  some other fun ways of waking up …or at least efficient ways 😀 …please be so kind and share them! I might just learn new things…and get on time 🙂 for all the morning appointments.

No matter what wake up method you use, remember to enjoy your GIFT, The PRESENT! Right here. Right now. 🙂

Enjoy your GIFT. The PRESENT.

Posted by: Deea | October 31, 2009

I believe in The Fun Theory!

We believe that the easiest way to change people’s behaviour for the better is by making it fun to do. We call it The fun theory. In other words, something as simple as fun is the easiest way to change people’s behaviour for the better. Be it for yourself, for the environment, or for something entirely different, the only thing that matters is that it’s change for the better.
Creating the music while changing behaviours
I started my first post with this thought because I am starting for the first time to blog ideas on my own, and I just want to keep this constant reminder of  bringing fun into learning.  I absolutely adore this idea and I realized that all the things that I know are because I focused my learnings on the topics that I liked, and I always had fun or I had people making it fun for me.   But instead of  adding some posts just with a collection of links related to my private learnings, I will try to share with the world the fun part of it.  Why not make it fun so that you, the reader of this blog, can also enjoy it?  Some of the things I am interested in learning are made to be serious business,  so I might have my share of mistakes or awkward posting …but with this theory in my mind, I will do my best to present those concept s in a fun and easy way!
All the current videos related to this project can be found here:….but after all, inspiration is all around us! You just need to pay attention to the world surrounding you!
Welcome to my online Fun Learning Home and I hope I can be a good host for you, making you come back over and over again, and making you leave with a good learning or at least with a fun reading and a smile on your face 🙂 !
Cheerfully yours,
Andreea 🙂
